Thursday, September 17, 2009

Anna's Doll

I'm not quite sure how to blog :/ I definitely make better dolls than I do blog posts. But I will give it my best. And, just remember, I SPEAK better English than I write it. Thank God for spell check!

Sometimes I feel like I could make so many dolls and I sit by my table and I start to draw pictures and write things down (Otherwise I forget everything and then I just sit there and I can do nothing but stare out of the window). 
Then I got this email from a little girls Mother asking if I could make her daughter a Waldorf doll similar to one she saw on my site.  I say, "Sure, I be happy to do so!".  Well, let me get to the point... the girl's name is Anna.  Anna has Cancer.  When her Mom wrote to me and said she has not seen her daughter get this excited in a long time to over anything, it made me think that now I know why I make dolls.

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