Monday, December 7, 2009

The doll, a child's companion

The doll as a companion of the child

What does a doll do for a baby? It is his silent companion, who witnessed everything is happy - to be sad - laugh or cry to. This means that witnessed the child with his imaginative experiences, moods and feelings in the doll again, or even. The doll laughs, cries, is happy or sad.

Who is now the ever smiling face of a stiff perfect presents in detail shaped plastic doll that can understand that it is difficult for a child's imagination, such a doll zb leave to grieve. Waldorf dolls are designed for precisely this reason only very cautiously. Eyes and mouth are only hinted at, there are no long eyelashes, or googly eyes.

If a child with such a doll "communicate", the fantasy forces, they can literally participate in all life experiences can be - even in their emotional range.

The material is another aspect is the softness and warmth of the cloth doll, she is often put in the arm ... bedded with the doll ... is pressed and cuddled. it consists not of cold plastic but made from natural materials. Body and head are covered with solid processed cotton tricot, my Waldorf dolls are stuffed with pure wool. For the hair, I use either mohair or wool, but also smooth embroidered hair. The clothes are mostly made from materials organic cotton. My Fairywool Dolls can be washed if it is too heavily soiled .

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Wishing Tree

A handmade tree that spins around while playing music.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Community Prayer Shawl for Anna

Blessings everyone,

I'm starting a prayer shall for Anna, a little girl with spinal cancer.  Her Mother and I started getting to know each other after I made her a doll. Both she and Anna are both very close to my heart.  I've never made a shawl before, so please email if you would like to help. 

I will get started with my son who will knit a few rows as well, then we will send it to the next person who will knit a few rows of prayer and positive energy!

Thank you so much Blessing and Peace to all,

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Anna's Doll

I'm not quite sure how to blog :/ I definitely make better dolls than I do blog posts. But I will give it my best. And, just remember, I SPEAK better English than I write it. Thank God for spell check!

Sometimes I feel like I could make so many dolls and I sit by my table and I start to draw pictures and write things down (Otherwise I forget everything and then I just sit there and I can do nothing but stare out of the window). 
Then I got this email from a little girls Mother asking if I could make her daughter a Waldorf doll similar to one she saw on my site.  I say, "Sure, I be happy to do so!".  Well, let me get to the point... the girl's name is Anna.  Anna has Cancer.  When her Mom wrote to me and said she has not seen her daughter get this excited in a long time to over anything, it made me think that now I know why I make dolls.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Drawing Contest

To all the parents out there, FairyWoolDolls is having its first children's drawing contest! The children can draw the best fairy they can! First place wins a 12" doll , second place wins a nature table doll and third place wins a small Haba game called "Mini Keep it Steady".

Contest starts at September 1st 2009, and all entries must be posted no later than October 15th 2009. Send me the pictures via email or mail, my email is on the website. All pictures will be posted on the FairyWoolDolls message board, easily accessed from the website. Everyone can vote for one of their favorite pictures, and the winning picture will be made as a special doll and the story of the child who drew it. This is going to be a tough one because I believe every child is an artist no matter what their pictures look like. I can't wait to see all the entries.

Peace and blessings to all of you, - Gabi