Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Fairywool Dolls Giveaway!

We Have a winner congratulation Momasun  I will contact you to discuss how we going to create your child's new friend. 

My son was so excited about the responses, I let him choose one more winner and he chose twig and toadstool!

To all the parents out there, FairyWoolDolls is having its second children's drawing contest!

You have one week to post a comment and the age of your child on this post

The winner is randomly chosen from the repliers on Feb 27th

The winner will have their child draw a picture of the doll they want and I will make it for them. The prize is worth $135

Giveaway closes FEB 27th at 6 PM East Coast time. Winners name will be posted at 6pmEST

Peace and light to all of you, - Gabi


  1. Hi Gabi,
    My girls LOVE your dolls.
    My older daughter is 10 and my younger daughter is 6.
    Crossing my fingers to win



  2. Oh my...this sounds like the loveliest giveaway ever!!! My daughters name is Ruby and she is 7 yrs old...this would be like her dream come true!
    xo maureen

  3. You make such gorgeous dolls!!
    My daughter is 5- she would love one!
    How generous!

  4. Love your beautiful dolls! My girls are 18 and 6. Thanks for this giveaway!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. what a lovely giveaway !!!
    my daugter AYLA is 8 years old
    and we are crossing ore fingers :))

  7. so gorgeous - i have a 3 y.o. boy and a 8 wk. old girl! i made my boy a doll before he was born (when i thought he was a girl). still debating whether to give her a haircut(so she looks more like him) or not!

  8. She is a magical creation! My daughter Solana turned six today ~ thinking she would be beyond thrilled with this beautiful playmate. Thank you for such a generous giveaway!
    love & light

  9. What a beautiful gift! My daughter is 8.

  10. such a lovely giveaway! My little boy, H is 3.5, almost 4. Boys love dolls too. <3

  11. Hi! What a beautiful doll! I have a 6 yr old and 1 yr old, both boys.


  12. Your dolls are gorgeous! My oldest is almost six and she would just love one!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Beautiful work of art. My four year old daughter would love this doll. Thank you.

  15. that fairy is stunning!! my daughter is 7 and my son is 3 and a half. :)

  16. Wow, your dolls are beautiful! I have 2 little girls, one age 3 and the other age 1.

  17. these are beautiful! my boys are 2 and 4.

  18. hi gabi so lovely to meet you , such a generous thing you are doing! my children are 5 and 2. we would love her ! xo

  19. Oh, what a lovely giveaway! My son is 5 years old and would adore a doll of his own design :)

  20. What a generous giveaway! My son is 8 and would love to design a doll of his own. Thank you for the chance to win!

  21. This is the most generous giveaway, thank you! My daughter just loves dolls, she is six years old. My son is three years old and loves to pretend he is a daddy! I am crossing my fingers! Maria Weinert

  22. Wow. I love to see an artist step a talent up a notch. These are the most lovely creations. My son is almost 10.

  23. great dolls! great giveaway! My girls are 7 and 11, they'd be in fairy heaven if selected!! thank you!

  24. Your dolls are amazing.

    My little guy is 2.

    Fingers crossed!

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  25. What a generous give away!!! My son Finley is 20 months old!!! (second child on the way:))
    Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great gift!

  26. Adoreable! My daughter Maybelle is 9 and would treasure this doll forever.

  27. I would like to enter Tiptoedancing, age 11 and Elvensprite, age 9.

    We are over at

    Thanks so much for this give away.


  28. My son would love one of your dolls! He loves to take his doll friends on all sorts of adventures all over the house and yard. :-)

  29. WOW! Beautiful giveaway! Thank you!!!
    I have a 4 1/2 year old and an 8 month old!

  30. A truly stunning giveaway, my special 9 year old daughter would cherish and adore one of your wonderful creations. X

  31. Wow! What an awesome giveaway! I have an 8 and 4 yr old daughter and a 6 year old son, all them would love and cherish one of these dolls.
    Thanks for the chance!

  32. Oh my! My daughter is 9 and loves her wood and wool playthings...and her new swing in a tree in our yard. This is a fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

  33. Greetings,
    My daughter is 10 & loves waldorf dolls more than anything. This is a very generous give-away.

  34. Beautiful dolls :) I have a 5yr old son who would fall in love <3

  35. I just stumbled on to your blog today. Wow, your dolls are incredible. So lovely. My daughter is 4 1/2 yrs old and would love one of your dolls.

  36. I came here from Teaching Handwork...I'm loving your beautiful work! My son is three and he LOVES dolls. We would consider ourselves very lucky to win one of yours.

  37. What beautiful dolls! My daughter is 4 and at a Waldorf-inspired home nursery. What a special treat it would be for her to be able to love one of your dolls!

  38. How fun! My daughter is 4 and would love a fairy!

  39. My daughter is 6, and she is in love with handmade dolls! I admit, I am too!

  40. How fun! My daughter is 4 and my son 5. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  41. I'd like to enter your generous giveaway. My daughters are 8 and 3, and love to play with everything hand- or homemade.
    Thanks again..

  42. Oh thank you for this opportunity and what a great idea. I have two boys 6 & 8. They have their own doll but that doll needs a baby doll of its own!

  43. What beautiful dolls! It was a pleasure to look around your shop. :-)

  44. I would love a classic Waldorf doll for my daughter turning 2 this April! Thank you for this giveaway!

    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

  45. My daughters are 4 and 2. We all love Waldorf dolls and fairies.

  46. I adore your beautiful dolls and know that my daughter would give it a loving home. Charlotte will be 8 in two weeks!!!

  47. My 10 year old daughter would love a doll made from her own drawings

  48. This is truly an amazing giveaway! My girls are almost 4 and almost 7 and would LOVE to welcome a new friend into our home!

  49. Wonderfully whimiscal, My daughter is 8 and the brothers are 11 and 5, Thanks so much for the oppertunity

  50. Hi there, wonderful gift you are giving away. My son's are 7 & 10 and I think my 10 year old would enjoy this the most. He is always making doll cloths for my doll. :)
    Thank you for the chance. Warmly, Julia

  51. What an awesome give away!

  52. What a wonderful giveaway! we have a 6 year old, a 3 year old and a 3 month old! :)


  53. WOW! So exciting! Just one small thing to ask...
    Twig and Toadstool is actually two girls ~ we actually both entered for our girls ~ one signed off as Maureen, one signed as Shanti. Wondering if you could let us know which one was drawn?
    This is a simply gorgeous and generous giveaway! Thank you for hosting it!
    love & light

  54. well I missed this one I hope you are having another one in the future

  55. Your work is beautiful! My granddaughter is one year old!
