Thursday, April 28, 2011

Meet Emma Twinkle Toes

Emma Twinkle-Toe Waldorf inspiert cloth doll
Available on Etsy
Emma Twinkle-Toe Waldorf inspiert cloth doll Emma Twinkle-Toe Waldorf inspiert cloth doll
Emma Twinkle Toes…
Emma Twinkle Toes, dances and twirls around ~swinging in the air spreading her whimsy, in the land down under…Her personality shines like the sun. In her whimsical whirls ~ she discovers a small delight, from her adventures outside… Let’s see what treasure is within that small pouch… Listen to that giggle she wants to share that with you along with the mystery of the pouch…She is looking for a new Mommy to love her…Emma’s twinkle is waiting for you…
Emma Twinkle-Toes is made in the Waldorf tradition with all natural and organic fibers. dark brown mohair cotton interlock,clean carted wool,blue embroidered eyes,belly button please e-mail me if you have any question she is 15 inches of pure love she comes with the surprise pouch you have to cut open when she arrives
her outfit is made from organic bamboo and silk yarn that I fell in love with hand knit by me you can style the hair anyway you like it is shoulder length <3

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