Saturday, May 28, 2011

Meet Susie and Gabriela!

Susie and Gabriela  Waldorf style cloth dolls

Susie and Gabriela  Waldorf style cloth dolls Susie and Gabriela  Waldorf style cloth dolls Susie and Gabriela  Waldorf style cloth dolls Susie and Gabriela  Waldorf style cloth dolls Susie and Gabriela  Waldorf style cloth dolls
If sisters were flowers, I'd still pick you.
I'd let the sun shine so you'd never be blue.
I'd show the world how beautifully you grew,
with bright bold colors and strength through & through.

If sisters were flowers, I'd pick you right away.
Because you cheer me up and bring smiles each day.
If sisters were flowers, for what it's worth.
I'd always pick you ... the best sister on earth.
Author: Gina Lauchner

Special thank you to my dear friend Jenny for her kind  sharing with the hairstyle on this special doll.I only made two wigs and will make no more after I sold the dolls .You can find her lovely creations at 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Debra the Daydreamer

Debra the Daydreamer….

Debra spends her day on the Peach Farm dreaming….and exploring…What did she find?  A snail...she made it her pet and companion as she goes on her many adventures…Picking Cherokee Roses…and fresh peaches…frolicking in the sunny warmth of the Georgia sun…In her bright pink and purple outfit…She is awaiting a home that she can call her own…To take a rest and be able to have a Mommy to love her and her wonderful pet snail….Won’t you give her a rest and let her enjoy a loving home? Debbie is waiting…For YOU!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Farewell, Phoebe and Popito!

It's getting harder  and harder  letting go of those little souls of mine I guess what gives me great comfort is to know my babies are going to good homes but it feels like letting go of little of myself I finish a few and they will leave tomorrow goodbye Phoebe and Papito

Monday, May 2, 2011

Needle Felting with Alexander

What a sweetheart my son hard at work doing is new felting picking all those lovely rainbow colors I'm truly blessed that my son is so talented and sweet time flies when you don't watch I hold on to every second I enjoy watching him creating a little piece of art